A lot has happened in 2022 and while I’m grateful for all of it, I feel like I’ve never been this tired. I traveled, I switched jobs, I met new people, I had fun in my older and newer company confraternization party and I managed to complete 3 of my 5 goals set for the whole year of 2022. I can’t say I’m 100% happy with 2022 but it’s undeniable that it was a great year without a hunch of a doubt. For 2023, I just want to complete some of the goals that I missed for 2022 and set a couple of new ones.

Goals for 2023 - Finished

  • Read five ten or more books

    I have a lot of books in my shelf just waiting to be read since 2020. So I’m just trying to get back with an old habit that I already had.

  • This goal I missed HARD in 2022. I read three and a half books throughout the whole year, and while I'm not proud of it, I'm just happy that I did read something. Most of the time that I spent reading are just those dumb Chinese/Korean light novels and tech articles, so refreshing my mind with some dense and long books was fun. So I'm just going to double the goal and see if I can make at least one a month and thats it.

  • Maintain a healthy diet and life style

    No need to explain.

  • To be honest, I didn't even try. I played a lot of volleyball (at least twice a week) and more often than not did a 5km walk, but it isn't enough, to be honest. This is a must for 2023.

  • Try to gain at least one salary raise this year

    No need to explain too. And no, I’m not looking right now for a new Job. I’m happy with the one i got right now and I still have a lot to learn from the people that I work every single day.

  • It's funny because in January I said I wasn't looking for a job but till May, a lot had happened that made me start looking for Jobs as quickly as possible, and I don't regret the decision I made. I'm actually quite happy and fulfilled in my current job at Nuuvem. So for this year I just want to make more impactful changes and improve even more my workplace.

  • Travel at least Twice

    My girlfriend loves to travel, and while I’m not into it as much as she, she gets on my nerves a lot by asking me when and where we’ll be traveling this year.

  • Get more experience to reach the level of a Senior developer

    No need to explain.